Gesichtslos? – Aktualisierung – Bitte helfen

Ich erzählte before about the faceless people I’ve seen, a terrifying experience that continued until recently. But then, I had a four-hour long seizure and was admitted to the hospital for a month. They diagnosed me with a central nervous system disorder, which gives me only a 30% chance of survival. However, I remain determined and have made progress in my recovery.

The faceless people I saw were figures ohne Gesichter, like those wearing morph suits but without clear facial features. After my hospital stay, one of these beings appeared at the entrance, staring at me with more intensity than before. They started to approach mich, followed by strange occurrences such as rattling doors and unexplained sounds.

One night, something grabbed and twisted my foot while I was preparing for bed, but my cat was lying next to me, not near my feet. This has led me to wonder if the faceless people are related to shadowy entities from other dimensions. I am concerned about their sudden aggression, as it may indicate a worsening of my medical condition or an attempt to increase my chances of becoming sicker and dying.

Ich suche nach Antworten and hope that someone can provide insight into these unsettling experiences.


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