Meine neue Unglücksereignisse

Ich erzählte before about my experience living with an entity in my house that didn’t seem harmful. But things have changed, and me and my grandfather have become its targets for reasons we don’t know.

The entity destroyed our last computer, which I admit was my fault since I talked to it and demanded it leave. The temperature in the house fluctuates wildly, and strange noises like the garage door opening and closing or pebbles being thrown inside can be heard. My dog now barks at a specific spot, and voices appear in certain areas of the house.

Shadows flit around in the corners of my eyes, things disappear and reappear, and I wake up with bruises on my body. It seems that I can communicate with it, but I’m not sure how to make it stop.

I realize that I may have brought this upon myself, but I need help. Some people have suggested firmly telling the entity to leave, but that hasn’t worked. I’m frustrated and annoyed, and I don’t know what to do.

Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, any advice or comments would be highly appreciated. Thank you.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


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